Ha. Just when I know you were all dying to get to know Typical Aussie Boyfriend, I have the bad taste to go and walk out on him. I know, I know, I am very sorry for the inconvenience that this is going to cause you all but it has to be done in the name of good sense, taste and moral decency. Basically things went REALLY badly last night, for some reason after introducing me to an ex-fling (oh no Ellie, things between K and I never got going) he really thought that we wouldn't talk and find out a few things like 1. I'm most definatley not his girlfriend, just happen to be living with him while I find a job so can K please visit him whilst I'm away for the weekend? 2. 2 years is a very long time for a 'never got going' especially when he's recently (and I mean VERY recently) told her she's the love of his life 3. I'm free and single, obviously, so why doesn't her friend go for it with me? And that's just the bare bones of it. If he annoys me any more however I may just cut off that ponytail of his... |