I had a lovely weekend. Graham worked quite a bit of Saturday which left me free to go shoe shopping (and after 3 hours I finally managed to find 1 pair of shoes that fitted). hopefully I won't have to do that again in a hurry! The problem was I found loads that I liked but there were sales on and there just weren't any pairs in my size, grr! I also bought my wedding ring. I had been trying to wait to get Graham to come along with me to try on rings but I eventually gave up as I was cutting it a bit close. As it was, the first jewellers I tried would have had to order the ring in and that would have taken 4 weeks. With 5 weeks to the wedding I thought that that might be cutting it a wee bit close. Anyway, the next jewellers I tried were lovely and helpful and I got me a ring that they're keeping safe hold of until just before the wedding. yay! On the Sunday we went for a drive down to Mission Beach. What I can't understand is, if you're going to sunbathe topless on public beach, why would you choose to set yourself up right next to where the cars park and therefore in the path of absolutely everyone?! In the evening I rang my sister-in-law to wish her happy birthday and got told by a happy little 2 1/2 year old that they were having a 'par-tay' for mummy because it was her 'birfday'. According to my brother, he's been going on about how they had to have cake and candles for mummy for days :) Anyway, all in all I had a lovely weekend, though talking to them made me want to jump on plane and go and see everyone. Still, not long now before most of them are here! I do wish my brother and sister-in-law could have made it though, it won't quite be the same without them. I'll just have to make sure that lots of photos are taken for them. Labels: weekend |