New Year Worries
Well, what can I say. This year promises to be hectic if nothing else! Firstly we’ve got to find Graham a job, that’s essential because although we can live off my wages, bills would have to go by the wayside and that’s not really a good way to be a good tenant :/ Secondly, I getting MARRIED in 4 months and 2 weeks time. It was really easy when I said ‘oh yeah, I’m getting married next year’ it made it seem so very far away. It’s not. It’s really not. So I’ve booked the date and the restaurant (though I’ve still got to pay a deposit, yay) but I’ve still got to decide on cakes and flowers and oh boy, expect lots of stressing to come…Was slightly weird though, my future mother in law jumped the gun a little and addressed our Christmas card to G & E Married name Thirdly, my sister’s getting married! I’m going to make it back to Britain for that, by hook or by bloody crook I will be there! Unfortunately I can’t make it back for the 3rd wedding of the year, that of Welshy, but I will definitely be thinking of her on her day J I’ve got to persuade the visa people that Graham and I are still in a real relationship and hopefully this once again go fairly smoothly (at least I’ll be in the right country this time, no more 7 months on the opposite side of the world for this fiancé!) which is another $600. You see why Graham needs a job? I’m going to be an aunt again! And lastly (I’ve forgotten what number I’m on), I’ve got to do all this on the opposite side of the world to my family and friends and not get to watch my little nephew grow up or be there to see my new niece/nephew arrive in this world and be as adorable as their elder brother. That, I think, is going to be the hardest of all. p.s. Happy New Year! Labels: stress |