Been busy
I've been a little quiet of late, I know, and for that I apologise. Mostly it's because I've been very tired of late, not sleeping terribly well (I think we've narrowed it down to our air conditioner which isn't really a good thing because I don't sleep when it's on because it's too noisy, and I don't sleep when it's off, because it's too hot - it was 30 degrees at MIDNIGHT last night in the room - so it's a lose lose situation really) and it's been affecting my concentration and all sorts so I just havn't been blogging. The other reason is something I've wanted to blog about but havn't in case I've jinxed us, or something. But this morning I had the news that I've been waiting for since the middle of last week and I figured that it couldn't hurt too much to let people know now. No, I'm not pregnant (despite the rumours that my husband insists on fueling) - Graham and I are buying a house! We got finance approval, pending a valuation on the place, this morning so I'm over the moon! We didn't think we had a icecube's hope in hell of getting it without fighting tooth and nail so this is brilliant :) It's a lovely townhouse in a complex of about 21 other townhouses (basically like a small group of terraced houses) and it has a lock up garage (a minor miracle in complexes), a separate laundry room and a pantry and a linen cupboard* and it's just lovely! It's a little bit more than we were initially looking at but, as they say, you get what you pay for and the difference between this and something $20,000 cheaper was phenominal (I'm not even going to go into what was wrong with some of the ones that I looked for around the $200,000 mark). It's in a small village on one of the northern beaches and we're about 300 meters from either the beach one way, or the boat ramp and yacht club the other. Anyway, we've got building and pest inspections in 2 days time, we should go unconditional next week and settle somewhere in the first week of December. Fingers crossed we're going to own a house! I'm still in shock I think. Oh, and the best bit? ... We'll be living in Yorkey's Knob. It took my mother several seconds to compose herself when I told her that :) *if you'd told me a decade ago I'd be excited about buying a place with a linen cupboard I would have laughed at you. A lot |