I like our new bathroom. For one thing, it's actually a bathroom! With an actual bath! It's only a tiny one, I would have to sit up a bit, or bend my legs and have cold knees but it means that in the winter I can actually go up, light some candles, pour a glass of wine, take my book and have a lovely bubble bath :) I can't wait for cooler weather! Our bathroom also has a sink, and a toilet and as far as they go it's pretty standard. However it has no windows due to the fact it's in the middle of our home which is one of several terraced houses in a complex (called a unit over here). Anyway, to compensate for this, the designers though that they would put in a skylight about 1ft square to let some natural light in. A brilliant idea you might say, and so it is. We have a grill ( with about 1cm wide holes) in our ceiling and a window in the roof. We also have a bird eating spider* that lives between the two. The only comforting thing about the fact that this damn thing is HUGE is that it can't get through the grill because its body is so big. I am not amused. *shudder* *actually, it's not a bird eating spider because a little bit of research shows that that is native to South America. Nevertheless, it sounds impressive and as I don't know what kind of huge monster it is, bird eating it will remain. Labels: urgh |