Wish fulfilled
I'm not sure why, I think it's got something to do with having watched too many American school reunion dramas or films with them in (like Grosse Point Blank...mmm...John Cusack...), but I've always wanted to go to a school reunion. Possibly it's out of a desire to turn up, looking all fit and hot and blonde, with loads of confidence, and go 'Look! This is me, despite all the bullying and nastyness and stuff, I'm ME! I'm happy being me, I'm good at being me and although I may not be as successful as some of you, as married, or parenty as some of you, I'm probably a damn sight happier than a lot of you and it's all in SPITE of you. So, take a good look, this is me. And I'm proud of it. I'm also emigrating to Australia.' It's entirely possible I have some unresolved issues with my secondary education. With my primary education however I have no such compulsion and so it was with slight nervousness I walked this afternoon to my old primary school in the village for it's 145th anniversary. Would they recognise me? Given that when I left the school in 1991 there were 4 people in my year and only 16 in the entire school, would there be anyone there who should be able to recognise me? Or would it all be different years? Oddly enough, my year was one of the only complete years to show. All four of us were there (the year 3 years below mine doesn't count as the one pupil to show up was the only pupil in his year) which was really lovely. I think it must be one of the very few times, if not the only time, when all four of us have been in the same place, at the same time, since we left the school 15 years ago. I saw my old teachers, my old headteacher even recognised me straight off which I think deserves a medal as the last time she saw me I had long hair, all one colour (no roots showing as it is now), and was a bit overweight. Most people don't recognise me because of the short back and sides hair style so I was really, really impressed. It was, overall, a really lovely way to spend an afternoon, seeing people who it's been over a decade, nearly 2 in some cases, since we last saw each other and reminising about stuff (playground games, school lessons, they still even have the old desks and chairs, which meant that a search for the desks with our names carved on then ensued...). My old nursery teacher said that she's always had a soft spot for me and the lad in our year, which was nice to hear. Am not sure why I was so memorable but she assures me it was for good reasons so that's all ok. You may have heard the phrase 'There's always one'? Well, it's true, there is. Unfortunately, it's almost certain to be me as well. Seeing the old school photos has brought that home with a bang. It's not like I intended to be the one looking the wrong way, or laughing too much, I never did anything on purpose but it just happened that way. *sigh* It was good to see people. And they had a bar. All in all, a good reunion. |