
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

My Photo
Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Married in the tropics, enjoying life with my husband, my clarinet and wondering that eternal mystery - where do all my fish go?

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I am quite unsure as to whether I have been a bit unwise or not.

Having finally, after 6 weeks (you've got to admire his persistance here) aquired my phone number, he has now had it for at least 3, possibly 4 days. Still no phone call at this end (not so admirable persistance there).

I can be a bit slow at times and finally today realised that I know his name, what he does, that he owns his own business, and where he lives. What else is the internet for? So I went looking. I didn't have to go very far and I found his website. Complete with email address and mobile number.

I ummed and ahhed over this new and startling information all day. After enjoying (and, I must admit, enjoying quite a lot) being chatted up that evening in the pub, and then hearing that although he'd forgotten my name, he thought I was a hottie (still gives me a warm glow that one) and then persistantly asking for my phone number (according to sources) I was quite prepared to leave the chase entirely up to him. I wasn't going to run, not very fast anyway, just enough so that he could catch me quite quickly and with a minimum of effort on my part. I would also know that he thought enough of me to warrant chasing. This was not a problem as long as I didn't have the means at hand to do a wee bit of chasing back. Finding the website today changed that.

So, a dilemma. Do I wait still for him to call? Do I wait in the hope that he will yet again talk to my friends about how much he liked me? Or do I email or text him.

This was a slightly more difficult situation that it would normally be as the last person I actively chased relationship-wise gave me a black eye, concussion and chased me from a country I love so I could have a hug from my mum. I trust my reasons for indecisiveness are clear?

With a little bit of persuading from mum I have actually emailed him. Just a short one as I'm still not entirely certain I wasn't being teased or wound up by those who said he was interested.

Any fingers out there available to be kept crossed would be greatly appreciated.