A rose by any other name
I got promoted* today! I got moved from one shed at my farm yesterday to the new one they've just opened and this morning just as I was about to start work the shed manager came up to me and told me that I was in charge while she wasn't there - which is most of the time. Excellent! Power! Fame! Money! It was all in my grasp and all I had to do was wonder round the shed looking important and telling people how to do their job and making sure that everything was ok. Easy as! Unfortunately, the enthusiasm diminished suddenly with the arrival of a black folder shoved into my arms along with the comments 'this is the paperwork' and 'we don't have anyone else able to do this' (a comment which conveniently skirts around the alarming issue that I don't know how to do this either). Undeterred I set to my new job with life and passion. No, honestly. For the first hour or so anyway. 9am, I'm seriously wishing I was in shorts not jeans, I'm sweating my arse off and am running round like a blue arsed fly trying to:
We finished at lunchtime due to a lack of fruit. I for one could honestly say I did not mind in the slightest bit. Mind you, I figure that if I keep on running round the I did today, I'll be a nice size 8 in no time! Roll on tomorrow. *For 'promoted' please read 'had a pile of shit heaped on me for no extra money and less days off' |