I do feel that I have to apologise for the rather small number of posts recently. I am, completely and utterly, without inspiration at the moment. My job is 7 days a week (apart from Sunday, when I had a day off, and tomorrow when the shed is shut because it's too cold for the fruit to grow and...) and generally the hostel office is shut or just about to shut when I get home so no internet and if I do get on I don't have time to really write much. Hey ho. I could have written about my room-mates endless snoring. But since so many people have generally complained and changed rooms since she's been here the hostel owners finally got fed up and bought her some nose plugs so no more sleepless nights. Well, from the snoring anyway ;) I could write about all the time I've been spending with a rather lovely Irish bloke the last week or so and how much of a cradle snatcher I am (he's 20, I'm feeling very old) but I don't think I will just yet. I could also write about the utter inconvenience of dorm rooms but seen as my mother reads this I really don't think I'll go there either. I may even tell you all about how I ran into the CTG's sister-in-law in the pub. Nearly gave me a heart attack but she's promised not to mention that I'm here and confirmed for definate that he's not here so that's all good. So, I have no idea how to put in a suitably witty and readable way all that's been happening to me here in Bowen which leaves me where I started, with an apology for the lack of anything interesting here, and the promise that normal services will resume shortly. I think. |