Until tomorrow, I just keep movin' on
I have had enough. I've not been here a week and I'm not staying another one! At around 5pm (actually, more like 4.30pm as I was writing my post whilst trying not to listen to the boss of the hostel really have a go at someone) I made a snap decision that if I could find somewhere else to go, then somewhere else I would most definitely go! Amazingly enough I've managed to get a room in a hostel in Bowen and I leave for there on Sunday. There's nothing terribly wrong with this hostel (apart from the non-alcoholness of it) it's just that I don't feel all that comfortable here and there's no reason to stay if I don't like it. I have a great job but it's quite short days (I don't start until 7am and I've finished by 2.30pm) so the money's not that good, enough to live on but not really enough to save. All in all, it's best to move on, that's one of the best thing about being a backpacker! I did feel really guilty about telling them I was leaving as a week isn't really that long a time to stay in a working hostel. They kept on saying that my farmer was going to be really disappointed and that the season hadn't started in Bowen yet and I'd better stay here a couple of weeks more but I contacted an old work friend of mine who is up in Bowen and she said that the season had started (I'm hoping she'll put in a good word for me where she works...) so I figure that I might as well go now. I'm hoping that they do allow alcohol in this next hostel because I do like a glass of wine with my dinner, even though I'm sure a week without a drop will have done my liver the power of good! |