Ridiculous things
Have you ever been suddenly, in the midst of a completely normal activity, been struck by the absolute ridiculousness of the situation? Take me, for instance, last night. There I was, in the bathroom here at the hostel, consciensiously brushing my teeth before heading to bed. As this is a shared bathroom, there were also 2 other girls there, standing infront of the sinks, staring at themselves in the mirror performing the same act of oral hygiene. You stare at the mirror because it's there, you have to stare at yourself because to stare at other people's reflections whilst in silent (apart from the background noise of brushing) contemplation would be deemed a tad rude - it's like the embarrassment you feel when you realise that the space you have been staring blankly into whilst on the train/bus/checkout queue actually contains a person, a person aware that you have for the last 5 minutes been staring at them. We'd been there a good minute or so when suddenly, absolutely spontaneously, all 3 of us started giggling. It wasn't 1 person starting and the others following, oh no, it was all of us realising at the exact same moment that we looked bloody stupid with no two ways about it. Actually, for me, this sudden realisation is fairly commonplace, I usually manage to notice that I may look a bit stupid whilst singing a song at the top of my voice in the car, or when walking down the street (especially then because I have a nasty habit of talking to myself and when I talk I gesture, I'm amazed I've not been carted off to the nearest lunatic asylum by well meaning passers by thinking I've escaped) and even at some very inopportune moments which I'm sure were not appreciated by others present at the time. Oh, and for the record, laughing whilst trying to brush your teeth is not to be recommended. |