Da da-da-da da, Da Da Da
There I was, coke bottle in the drinks holder on one side, sweets in my left hand (they havn't heard of sweet popcorn here, it's all salted, it's a disgrace I tell you!) and my right hand immobile half-way to my open mouth, all things temporarily forgotten as the words which rush towards me on the cinema screen and the music which inevitably goes with those iconic speeding letters washes over me. Finally, when it's over, and I'm sitting there trying to recover my breath I realise that I don't care what the rest of the film is like, I would have paid double the entrance fee just to see the credits of Superman Returns. Thankfully, my worries are unfounded as my forgotten sweets once again begin their journey mouthwards. The film is fantastic. I was a little worried about Lois Lane as a yummy mummy but after 5 minutes, I really didn't care! Superman was back, looking scrummy, and Clark Kent was a clumsy and geeky as ever. If ever a replacement could honourably fill Christopher Reeves' shoes then Brandon Routh was it. And I loved the bit with the piano :) Only one thing bothers me, going at that speed, doing the things he does, how on earth does he get that kiss-curl to stay in place? |