
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

My Photo
Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Married in the tropics, enjoying life with my husband, my clarinet and wondering that eternal mystery - where do all my fish go?

adopt your own virtual pet!

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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Falling in love again

And so it was that on a warm winter's morning whilst walking down a tree lined road past the iron railings under a crystal clear blue sky watching flocks of lorikeets explode from the gum trees in shining masses of green and gold flashing in the sunlight that I fell in love. Again.

Any doubts I may have entertained about whether my 4 months at home had made me raise this country onto a pedestal that maybe it didn't quite deserve were dispelled almost instantly. The rest of my day only confirmed that this country is wonderful.

I walked my feet off round the Botanic Gardens and up to a vantage point to view the Opera House and Harbour Bridge (I even climbed up one of the pylon towers, pretty good view).

One thing that has struck me about this city in particular is the water. It's a fully functioning port and the water is so clear and blue and clean that it's simply unbelievable. And it's mid-winter and I'm wandering round in a t-shirt and jeans.

Besides, how can you not love a city with double decker subway trains that have seats where you can change which way you're facing?