I should have stayed blond
I've been promising for a while to post some photos and I've finally got round to putting in a few of Sydney (and one of Brisbane) onto flickr but in doing so I've taken up 41% of my monthly upload allowance so how many more there'll be I don't know!). Today has been a day of being dumb. It took me 3 washes to get clean what should have only taken 2 because I forgot so much stuff. I lost 3 dollars because even though the big sign above the machine in the hostel across the road* said that it took 3 $1 coins I blindly believed the woman at the reception here who'd sold me a washing token for $3 promising it worked for the machines. As I found out, only the dryers take the tokens, and I only found that out after the washing machine had swallowed the damn thing. I've also fallen over several things and decided that although it was really windy, because it was a lovely sunny day it would be good to wear my pink wrap-around skirt. This was not the best idea I've ever had. Still, I got several wolf whistles from the building site I was walking past when the wind gusted so that's something I suppose! Roll on tomorrow is all I can say! *owned by the same people but with better washing machines than ours, especially for whites |