Chilli peppers (of the red hot variety of course)
No, I havn't suddenly rocketed to stardom and am mingling with the Red Hot Chillis unfortunately (though that would be quite nice for a little while, don't you think), I have new job. I am now a chilli picker. It's actually not that bad, we only work until 12.30pm because it gets too hot otherwise and when I get a little better at picking I should earn $100 a day, so I get $600 a week and I get afternoons and Sundays off - bargain! One thing though, did you know that the Redback spider likes to lay its eggs among the shady leaves of the chilli plant? Did you? Did you really? Neither did I until I picked up a chilli this morning and saw all these little ball bearing things laid in rows on it and a few started to move because I'd knocked them. On closer inspection (though not too close, I'm not that stupid) I could see the little red backs on the tiny wee things. I've never thrown anything away so hard. Or the other 3 I found during the morning. |