It's all fun at work
Wandering through the shed yesterday I noticed that not just one, but both of my forklift drivers were out of sight, which is slightly unusual. As I started to have a look around to see where they were I noticed my truck of boxes had arrived. I watched in bemusement as the driver, instead of heading to see me to find the forklift, headed at an angle to behind the stacks of pallets. Slight intruiged I decided to investigate. I wish that I had a camera to record the scene that I found because it was the highlight of my day. One of my forklift drivers had managed to bury his machine in the soft ground round the back of our empty pallet pile. It took 20 minutes, 2 ropes (they snapped the first one) and 5 (another driver turned up half way through) of us standing round giving advice before we finally got it out. I've still not let Ludo live it down, I'm evil I know. In other news, I have had another email from my Toy Boy so am grinning again :) It's amazing how good a little row of 'xxx's can make you feel. |