
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Ascending Angels

I have a mystery on my hands and it’s all to do with angels.  Well, angel fish to be more precise.


I had 3.  They were lovely and they were called Rod, Jane and Freddy*.


Throughout the trials and tribulations that was us getting our first fish and then one by one losing the rest, the angels survived, and thrived.


Then, sadly, one morning Rod was found floating and had to be sent to the fish bowl in the sky L  I mourned, but I had Jane and Freddy to comfort me still.


All was going well until I went to Britain for 2 weeks.  Near the end, my husband confessed that he had lost one of my angel fish.  It hadn’t died, as far as he was aware, it simply was not in the tank any more.  I didn’t really believe him and assumed that he had managed to suck it up with the gravel cleaner or something whilst cleaning the tank.  Still, I forgave and moved on, after all I still had Freddy.


That is, until 3 days ago when I was looking at the tank.  He had vanished.  Not a sign.  No body in the tank, or caught in weeds or the filter, no dead fish behind the tank stand (just in case he’d jumped out), just no angel fish.  And Freddy had been seen since the tank had been cleaned last so that was not what had happened.**  Baffled, bemused and completely confused we just accepted that they had gone L


My parents-in-law*** kindly thought that they would buy me three more and when I got home from work yesterday there they were in the tank - 3 more angel fish for me to love and care for.  Wilbur, Brian and Ermintrude seemed to ok and swam around settling in and all was well.


I went home for lunch today and looked in the tank, ready to say hello to my 3 new friends.  Try as I might, I looked in the weeds, I looked behind the filter, I looked in the yabbie’s lair (which is only a few rocks and immaculately clean, he puts me to shame really), I looked everywhere. 


Ermintrude had gone.  I now fear greatly for Wilbur and Brian but there is little I can do but watch, and wait, and see if they truly are angels and going to a better place.



Failing that I’ll kill the bugger who keeps stealing my fish.


*which is completely lost on my husband but I don’t care, I’m still amused


**at this point I had to apologise to my husband for blaming him for the previous disappearance


***who are now living with us until they can move into a house of their own – just don’t ask


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The importance of proper punctuation [Scanned]

This really tickled me this morning, just when I needed it.  I came across an advert whilst searching for something and this is really a place I’d like to go!  There is, apparently, an indoor rock climbing gym in Melbourne that has ‘Australias tallest friendly staff’.


It’s amazing what these places can find to boast about :)

