Not quite so bad...
I spoke just a leeetle too soon last time. Just as I posted TAB came online and was all lovely again. We did go to the hill climb over at Morwell at it was cool, despite the fact that it was raining and bloody freezing. Mind you, I used my powers of persuasion and lovelyness (ha!) and within 5 minutes of the onset of frostbite had secured myself a place in the canteen next to the pie heater for the rest of the day :) It had a good view of a section of the track as well so I got to watch the time trials. Unfortunately we got a little drunk when we stopped for dinner on the way home and decided that in the interests of safety as we would both have fallen asleep behind the wheel so we stayed at this motel in Yarranong village. Quite pleasant little place, I especially loved the electric blankets (it was FREEZING) until the power went off half way though the night...TAB does NOT like my cold hands, or feet, or really the rest of me when I get that cold, which is frequently. I blame my mother... I can't really fault him there though, I don't particularly like it when I feel that cold either! I'm at TAB's house tonight. Was going to stay at my flat but when I got home from work I found that our washing machine had gone AWOL. I was reassured that there may be one arriving later tonight, or maybe tomorrow, or the day after...thankfully TAB has a fully present and fully functional washing machine so I no longer have an underwear crisis and I can wash my work clothes, always good! |