I decided I would have a change today and took my MP3 player into work. It was the only interesting thing to happen today apart from our conveyor belt breaking which meant I didn't do any real work for 45 minutes. Oh and another spider landed on me. Along with a couple of frogs, some slugs and some roaches :( Only 5 working days left. I can do this, really I can. I'm sure. Please, any support available at the minute would be much appreciated. Also I'm a little annoyed as I can't work out why my emails aren't getting through to my aunt and uncle, and I'm not sure that theirs are getting through to me. And I have no credit on my phone. I am sorry, I will stop complaining...just as soon as I stop having to deal with the bananas. Even pineapples were better. Apart from the whole fainting thing *sigh* ah well. What will be, will be. |