Bored now
Well, not much to report really, I'm still here in Cardwell unable to work because the only jobs out there are picking, not packing, and I think Monday proved how incapable I am of doing picking work. Anyway, even if I was willing to subject myself to the torturous heat and constant bending down and standing up, Darryl and Nerieda are not. They catagorically refuse to give me any jobs that will most likely involve me passing out again. So here I am. Mum's just let me know that she's flying into Brisbane in just under 3 weeks time so there's no point me going anywhere else until after her visit so Cardwell it is until then. I've decided that after mum's visit I'm going to head back down to Victoria as the apples and cherries start in November in Shepparton and the surrounding area which will be much better for me. Hopefully it will also mean I'll be able to see TAB at least most weekends which will be even better. To get my 3 months done though I'll have to work it nearly all in one go which is something I was trying to avoid. Oh well. I'm determined to get fit. Even after just packing I felt so much better by the end of the week so I'm busy looking up exercise regimes I can do here (after all, it's not like I don't have time on my hands now is it?). It's not so much weight loss that I'm after, simply toning up would be nice and I won't achieve that by sitting round all day reading or going on the internet. I even intend to keep it up when I've finished the fruit picking much to TAB's astonishment. Now, I'm the first to admit I'm not the most athletically minded but contrary to what most people believe I do enjoy feeling fit it's just I find gyms so mindnumbingly dull that I refuse to fork out the cash to go there. I need to find a sport that I enjoy that keeps my mind active as well as me. I'm thinking of taking up fencing. |