To quote Professor Henry Higgins 'Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!' I'm still struggling with the eternal mystery that is replacing blogger comments with Haloscan comments. With a little help from my sister I have managed to remove the blogger comments from my main page. However, in true 'wouldn't you just KNOW it' style, the Haloscan comments link has not appeared. And I don't know why. If you feel you must comment (and please do, I really do welcome hearing what people have to say) I'm afraid you'll have to go only to the post you would like to comment on by clicking on it's title on the side bar. The Haloscan comments are still there, just not on the main page. If I had long hair, I'd probably be pulling it out at this stage. Ah well, back to the drawing board. |