I've been gardening. For those not in the know, mum's garden is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is...Oh, sorry, that's space isn't it? Mum's garden isn't quite that big, but it gets close :) The last few days we've gone for the careful, considerate, delicate approach to gardening. With a chainsaw. Well, actually it's a hedgetrimmer but the overall effect is the same. Bushes, hedges, anything overgrown is getting the same drastic treatment. Bits of the garden are looking neater than they have for years which is fantastic. And the hedgetrimmer is fun to wield! (although I had a moment of panic yesterday morning when I was perched on a bank above our pond trimming the hedge above my head whilst holding an impliment attached to the mains power supply. Am really glad I've got a good sense of balance!) And now for something completely different. I got chatted up a week and a half ago. I was in the pub and got talking to this guy. We had one of those conversations where you forget what time it is and how long has passed because you are so involved (I still feel quite guilty about that actually because I was supposed to be at the pub with Amy who I really wanted to spend quality time with. I'm quite useless really). Anyway, I spent a couple of days basking in the warm glow of being found attractive but someone and then promptly forgot all about it. Until this weekend that is. I was going to a friend's surprise 30th birthday party and had caught a lift down to Cardiff with his parents. Our first stop was his elder sister's house where I ran into his younger sister who's first comment was 'I hear you got chatted up by a friend of mine the other day!'. Apparently he'd started off a conversation by saying that there was a complete hottie at the pub after the concert which gave me that warm glow all over again, I'm not sure I've ever been called a hottie before! Anyway, Charlie said that he was quite taken with me and kept on talking about me which is really nice. Although due to some unfortunate timing with photographs, I apparently look like I'm completely bored with what he was saying, which isn't the truth at all! I felt quite like a 13 year old again asking Charlie to tell him that no, I wasn't bored and I had a really lovely evening. Even just thinking about it plastering a silly grin on my face. Which is nice. Mind you, the last silly grin I had over my face was for the CTG so hopefully if I see this guy again I won't end up with a black eye, because I really don't want to go there again, I'll run out of places to hide. |