As I may have hinted in my previous post, the weather here at the moment is attrocious. I've spent this afternoon updating things on the blog and emailing people and generally faffing around on the internet. And when I wasn't doing that I was wandering aimlessly around the hostel at a complete loose end. In my faffing around and aimless wandering I found myself wondering what I would do if I was at home and I realised that what I wanted, what I truly, utterly wanted, was to lie in complete and utter bliss in a big, hot bath. The kind where you take a good book and a glass - sorry, bottle - of wine and candles and maybe some nice classical music and use up a good dose of your favourite bubble bath and hide from the world for a couple of hours, occasionally topping up the bath with more hot water. Unfortunately given that this seems to be a country of showers* this is not going to happen. The nearest place I know that I could definitely have a private bath is in Victoria. Still, a girl's allowed to dream so I'm going to go back to wandering around aimlessly and dreaming of long, hot baths. Mmmmm.... *and quite frankly I wouldn't take a bath in a hostel anyway, the showers are bad enough, who knows what people would get up to in the bath. Shudder. |