Confession time...
Ok, time to come clean. I know that I rant about TAB and how he's treated me in the past but unfortunately I am not squeaky clean. Not by a long shot. We neither of us have behaved particularly well in the past. When things were not that good back when we got together, I had the bad taste to have a little bit of a thing with someone. Now don't get me wrong, this wasn't full blown adultery and TAB did know about most of it. Unfortunately he found out about the bit I am totally and utterly ashamed of doing and really have been trying to block from my memory. This is not a good thing. He, very understandably I thought, was rather angry when I got home from work last night. Darling that he is though has not thrown me out of the house and is still letting me move in for my last 3 weeks in Melbourne, he is not really rubbing my face in it (although I do have to take him out for a very expensive meal next week)and, all in all, he's been fairly calm about it all (after the initial outburst anyway). This has all made me realise one thing, I do not want to lose him. The very thought that my stupidity 4 months ago might make him get rid of me once and for all was so terrible I felt physically sick. What I'm going to do when I have to leave in 3 weeks time I do not know. p.s I was also going to write a post about how lovely Melbourne is in the spring but it's pissing it down out there so I'm not going to. Bloody weather! |