Bloggers block
Actually, I don't quite have bloggers block but near enough. I could, you see, blog about how pissed off I was that I missed my bus on Tuesday morning making me 2 hours late for work because the bus was stupidly early (more than 10 minutes, that I know because I was out there 10 minutes early...) and it was really bad because I loath being late with a passion. Absolutely detest it and got quite emotional about it (although that may have been for other, female, reasons but it didn't help!). I could go on, and on and quite possibly on about how petty the office politics at work can be and how little support you get from the supervising staff on occasion (which generally co-incides with it being really busy - odd that). I could write complete essays (and for me, that's an achievement) on how badly I'm missing Graham. About how just phone calls aren't enough sometimes and all I want is to be enfolded in his arms protecting me from the horrible (COLD!) world and making everything alright again, just by being there. But I really do want to keep what readers I do have and I don't think that many of you would put up with that for long. Besides, if I think about it too much I tend to just sit here and cry and that's not really very productive so I don't. And, on top of everything else, the oven is beeping at me so I have to go and finish making tea. So, no interesting posts. Sorry. Labels: blogging block |