
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

Monday, November 26, 2007


Oh, and we have somewhere to live! It's got aircon, and a pool and we're off the main roads in a lovely quiet (so far) complex. Woohoo!

AND I've got a job interview on Thursday with one firm and then I've got to go back to the firm I'm temping for and tell them what they've offered and they'll see if they can beat it :) They've also promised to give me not only time off for my wedding but time off for my sisters wedding too which, in Australia, and with work choices (bad BAD law) you're not allowed to take holidays within the first 12 months of starting a job so that could be a very, very good thing!

Oh, and we've got an iron, you should be proud of me :)



Politics - back to the schoolyard

I'm not the world's most politically minded person, I admit that freely, but even I could see the ridiculousness of the election that took place this weekend.

Was this country ruled by a bunch of 6 year olds?! Never before have a seen an election campaign by the party in power rely on a strategy that, instead of laying out policies that they have no intention of keeping etc, says, in varying tones of petulance, 'you have to vote for us because, well, we're better than the other side' or 'given that the economy is in so much trouble, you don't want to vote for someone inexperienced who hasn't led a country before'. The immediate question that sprung to mind with that last one was, if you're so great at leading, how come the country's in so much trouble in the first place? Not one strategy or policy have I heard since I've been back, it's ALL been 'vote for us because we don't want to have to move houses because we've been here so long and we're comfy'. It's no wonder that they bloody lost!

Mind you, only Australia could then vote in a PM called Kevin...



Thursday, November 22, 2007


Have you ever tried to persuade someone that you're going to be a good tenent and pay all your rent on time etc when you don't have a job? Or actually somewhere to live currently, caravan parks just aren't that impressive!

On the upside, we should get our old rental bond back today, $760 of very helpful money, because we've finally got our old agent to realise that they need to sign a crucial bit of paper that they strenuously denied needing to sign before. Grr.

Please keep fingers crossed both for me finding a job (I've got skills assessment at a temping agency in half an hour) and for us getting a house.



Saturday, November 10, 2007

I don't think we're in Kansas anymore

I'm here and jet lagged to hell. My final leg to my lovely fiance is at 5pm tonight and oh boy and I going to be lucky if I manage to get under the 20kg and not get charged and/or get them to put all my luggage on rather than hold bits back!

Wish me luck x



Thursday, November 01, 2007


Everything's a bit strange at the moment, I'm a sort of last hurrah round my family and friends. I've been up north to see my aunt, uncle and cousin and my best friend in Leeds. As I write this I'm at my brothers house taking as many photos of my sister-in-law and nephew (the wee cutie aka the wee stropmeister today) as I can and unfortunately I've got to go to a funeral on Monday but it does mean I'll get to see a whole load of the rest of my family which will be lovely.

It hasn't really sunk in that I'm actually leaving. Next week.



Being a bit of a geek

According to my itinerary, I'm on the new (and I mean BRAND new, it only flew for the first time last week!) Airbus A380!

I'm very excited :D

