Note the date...
As you all are probably aware, today is that most unlucky of days, the day when you should probably never leave the safety and comfort of your bed (although in this heat snuggling under the doona (oops, slipping into Aussie there, I mean duvet) can be a bit of a bad idea unless you like your own home-made sauna) so it was with grave misgivings that I left my nice bed at 5am this morning to go to work. I'm still rather amazed at the work I'm doing given how accident prone I really am added to the amount of moving machinery and forklifts and slippery rotten tomatoes on the floor of the packing shed. All in all a complete recipe for disaster so I don't think I was being totally paranoid when setting off for work this morning. Anyway, as it turned out I had no reason at all the be worried. We finished early because one of the trucks (eek, more Aussieness, I mean lorry) broke down so no more tomatoes for us, woohoo! I possibly may have lost part of my 'favoured worker' status with the boss of the shed though as he asked if I wanted to work longer and my immediate response was 'no, I want to go home!'. Ah well, in my defence I am recovering from a mild bout of food poisoning which had me pretty much immobile for much of yesterday added to the nasty cold I've had for the last week (which has it's good points in that it's making my voice all husky and sexy...until it disappears in a squeak which rather ruins the effect but never mind, hey?) Anyway, with only a few more hours left to go of this day, what else can go wrong? Ooh, and before I forget, the most amazing thing has happened, despite playing pool for years and never ever improving, I'm actually becoming good at the game! I even entered a pool competition earlier this week and got through to the second round (and it was a very close second game as well) so am really really chuffed. I am however still annoyed at my first opponent who upon losing threw his pool cue down onto the table where it slid at speed straight off the other side and into my stomach. Git. Anyway, I hope that all of you out there with most of the day left to go have a hassle and accident free Friday 13th... :D |