Random musings
It struck me today that, had everything actually gone to plan in this last year, that I would be today at some point (or at the very very latest tomorrow) be flying back into a very cold, wet, wintery Britain having spent the last couple of months lazing around in Malaysia and Thailand. Obviously this is not even remotely like what is actually happening in my life at the moment. Anyway, I got to thinking of all the things that I would be able to do if I was at home that I simply can't do here. 1. Read all my books (I'm suffering huge Terry Pratchett withdrawal symptoms and can't find second hand copies to buy) 2. Spend hours and hours playing the Jak and Daxter trilogy on my ps2. 3. Spend hours and hours watching all my dvds (I really really wanted to watch Pirates of the Carribbean, Steel Magnolias, lots of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, all my Disney DVDs, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and pretty much anything else I own at random points in the last week) 4. Curl up on the sofa in the living room at home infront of a crackling fire dressed in my long black skirt, thick black tights, and a big snuggly jumper 5. Eat Jaffa Cakes by the dozen 6. Eat prawn cocktail crisps (DEFINATELY crisps, not chips, no matter what they say over here) 7. Sit in the conservatory and curl up in the comfy wicker chairs in there and watch the bad weather outside 8. Take pleasure in snuggling under my big double feather duvet in my attic bedroom nice and warm with that lovely feeling that the room is bloody freezing but you're still really toasty (but with that cold spot you can move your feet too if you happen to get a bit too hot). 9. Visit all my family (and meet my nephew, yay!) 10. Go to Leeds and visit all my other friends still there. 11. Go to the Cardy Arms for a few pints of Black Sheep or whatever else nice proper beer they have there at the moment 12. Spend time just wandering round the shopping centres in Leeds (I had a really wierd dream that I was in the St John Centre and when I woke it took me ages to work out that it wasn't in Melbourne) 13. Listen to MY music at full blast in the living room with no one else at home and no one complaining that my taste in music is crap 14. Wear all the nice clothes that I had to leave behind (for some reason I miss my long black coat, velvet hat, Winnie the Pooh gloves and my bright colourful scarfs, probably because it's winter back home and that was what I almost always wore when leaving the house) 15. There are lots of other things too numerous to mention (and some are slightly wierd, for instance I had an urge to walk through Llandeilo earlier today, just enjoy walking up the main street and go to Dinefwr castle and stuff. See, weird.) Anyway, I have spent enough time musing and it's time to go and catch my train back to Murchison (I'm in Shepparton today, annoying the bank and buying second hand books, yay). Rach, Happy Birthday, I hope that you have a good one! |