
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Please don't shout...

OK, I know that I'm letting myself in for lots of disapproving comments by admitting this but I am still with TAB...

*pauses to let irritated people get a hold of themselves*

I know that he's not perfect, but then, who is? I confronted him about the date. He admitted to it. Freely. He also pointed out that the date actually took place after I left him and before we got back together and he hasn't seen her since. I really ought to check my facts before going off on one and not blindly believe everything that Caitlin tells me as she tends to put the worst possible light on things.

Also he really knocked me for 6 when I picked him up from the airport (in a really bad mood I might add because he hadn't responded to any of my texts for previous 2 days) when the first thing he did was hug me, tell me he'd really missed me and then ask why had I kept asking him the same question by txt? When I pointed out that if he'd replied to them I wouldn't have had to keep asking the same question, he showed me his phone and in it was all the responses he'd sent me over the previous 2 days. That was Sunday. Tuesday morning suddenly I get 12 texts all in one go from the weekend...I couldn't really be angry with him for Telstra being crap now could I?

We do need to talk though. Mainly because all I have going round in my head is him saying really early on in our relationship that if someone else came along he may go with them over me because I'm leaving. Not the best way to win my heart. I confessed to him that I thought he was with another woman when I wasn't getting replies and he said that he could have been had he wanted to, but he didn't, he just wanted me to be there. I reminded him of what he'd said and he said that that was a while ago and he doesn't feel that way anymore.

Confusion reigns supreme in the world of Ellie. To highlight this, I have yet again bleached my hair. I am now perfectly entitled to claim ditzyness due to the extreme blondness (actually nearly whiteness) of my hair :D

I've had a really good week apart from that as well given that I got my A licence in skydiving last weekend! I am so chuffed it's unbelieveable! In fact, just thinking about it, I'm grinning madly and on that happy note will leave all you lovely people to have a wicked weekend.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Or maybe worse...

Ha! I should just give in and become a lesbian good and proper rather than the rather miscellaneous 'whoever comes first' bi that I am.

All I want is someone who'll treat me nicely, yes we may argue now and again but by and by I'll love them and they will love me and it will all be happily ever after. Not too much to hope for, surely?

Obviously in this relationship it is. After confessing to TAB about the infamous 7 way snog the night that he really really upset me (look, I was drunk and upset, kissing 5 random men, the guy that he'd been trying to foist me off onto and his ex, Caitlin, seemed like a really good plan at the time) just before he flew to Adelaide for his birthday (timing not really a skill of mine) he wasn't too happy with me saying that we'll talk when he gets back and that it wasn't a good thing to say 20 mins before I had dinner with Marshall (foist boy) and 2 hours before he saw Caitlin.

A couple of texts and me feeling guilty and crap later, I come home to find Caitlin online, not at the pub with TAB as expected. I told her about the evenings antics, the conversation went as follows...

I dropped TAB off at the airport, told him about the infamous 7 people snog (and who they were) and then went to dinner with Marsh
all in all a rather eventful night
HAH! What'd he say about the 7 person snog?
not very happy really. In fact, he seemed a bit upset.
Well he can fuck off. Who was the chick he went out for a date with a few weeks ago then

Of course, was a little knocked for 6. On further inspection it appeared that he told her that I KNEW about this. Of course I knew nothing of the sort. On questioning TAB his response was that he saw her for 1 date and hasn't seen her since. Comforting.

Sunday when I pick him up is going to be facinating and very soap opera worthy I'm quite certain.

Oh, and I suppose I'm going to have to say this to everyone, ok I admit it YOU WERE ALL RIGHT, OK? Happy now???

Good, because I'm not.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Not quite so bad...

I spoke just a leeetle too soon last time. Just as I posted TAB came online and was all lovely again. We did go to the hill climb over at Morwell at it was cool, despite the fact that it was raining and bloody freezing. Mind you, I used my powers of persuasion and lovelyness (ha!) and within 5 minutes of the onset of frostbite had secured myself a place in the canteen next to the pie heater for the rest of the day :) It had a good view of a section of the track as well so I got to watch the time trials.

Unfortunately we got a little drunk when we stopped for dinner on the way home and decided that in the interests of safety as we would both have fallen asleep behind the wheel so we stayed at this motel in Yarranong village. Quite pleasant little place, I especially loved the electric blankets (it was FREEZING) until the power went off half way though the night...TAB does NOT like my cold hands, or feet, or really the rest of me when I get that cold, which is frequently. I blame my mother... I can't really fault him there though, I don't particularly like it when I feel that cold either!

I'm at TAB's house tonight. Was going to stay at my flat but when I got home from work I found that our washing machine had gone AWOL. I was reassured that there may be one arriving later tonight, or maybe tomorrow, or the day after...thankfully TAB has a fully present and fully functional washing machine so I no longer have an underwear crisis and I can wash my work clothes, always good!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

No spoilers...I promise

For once, it's a weekend and I'm not throwing myself out of planes, this is partly because of the weather (crap) but mainly because I have a parcel to pick up from the post office. Unfortunately I discovered when I went there at 9am this morning that they are not open at any point on the weekend. They only open from 9-5 Monday-Friday. Useful, given that my working hours (yes I have a job! they love me, it's fantastic! Now only if I can master turning up on time...) are 9-5 Monday-Friday and they have already thwarted my efforts to get a housemate to pick it up. Needless to say I'm not amused!

However, not being up at the DZ this weekend has given my ample opportunity to go into the bookshop just up Ackland Street this morning and purchase my brand new copy of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince just half an hour after it's been released, yay!

Of course, having spent today glued to the sofa, I have now finished said book. I promised no spoilers and I won't but it's great!! I loved it! I also cried. My housemate wasn't quite so enthusiastic when I tried to discuss various turns of events in the world of Hogwarts (now why couldn't my secondary school have been as cool as Hogwarts?) as she's only read the first book and that a while ago so most people that I was trying to gasp in shock about she didn't know/couldn't remember who they were. All I can say is please can everyone hurry up and read it so I can discuss it with you, pleeeease?

I'm supposed to be going hill racing with TAB tomorrow in his MG. I say supposed because I havn't actually heard from him about if he's still going and if he is if he wants me to come. I've been very good, I restrained myself to a text yesterday asking if I could borrow the car today and with no reply to that am going to leave it to him to contact me. The last thing I want is to be seen as a stalking annoying female. So I may spend tomorrow on the sofa re-reading Harry Potter...

TAB's been a bit strange as well, he's been sulking lately quite a bit. He asked me to go to Adelaide with him for his birthday but at the time I didn't think I could afford to take the time off work and I've got a packing course on that weekend (booked whilst single...) but at the beginning of this week I reconsidered and told him that if he wanted me to I might be able to manage to go with him. All I got was a sarcastic comment about why did I want to go because all I'd do would be talk to his ex for the entire weekend. I havn't mentioned it since...

Anyway, I have to go and move apartments, again. Ah well, this one should be the last move and it's a REALLY nice place...

Friday, July 08, 2005


There's nothing worse than watching something unfold from the other side of the world and feeling so utterly helpless to do anything or find anything out and you are reduced to hoping with all your heart that no one you know has been hurt.

I spent a fraught few hours yesterday sitting in the Qantas Club lounge waiting for TAB's flight to Adelaide (yes he is back on the scene, long story, have been shouted at by preeety much everyone) for the weekend watching the London bombings unfold on Sky news from the first 'power surge' in the tube onwards.

My texts, of course, did not go through and I didn't get to the internet for 5 hours to be able to check if people had emailed me to say that they were ok.

My lovely mother emailed me to say that my sister was ok, and later on my sister did the same. The relief was huge.

I feel awful that I am relieved that so far, no one I know has been injured, even though I know there are people injured, dying and dead there.

I got through on msn to my friend who got to work 5 minutes before her tube station blew up. She said she was scared and shakey and definately did not want to go on public transport again any time soon. I don't blame her.

Love and hugs to everyone out there, our thoughts here in Oz are most definately with you.

Monday, July 04, 2005

To absent friends...

When I started skydiving 3 months ago, there were 4 of us on my first jump course. Me (obviously), John, a 60 year old school teacher, Big Ben (who works in an abbatoir) and Little Ben who was a motorbike enthusiast. Both Bens were pretty quiet blokes but always up for a bit of a chat.

None of the others were able to make it to the Drop Zone as often as I did (they had lives you see) but I'd see them round from time to time and always talked to them. Big Ben finished his AFF a couple of weeks ago and Little Ben was up to stage 5.

I'd always see Little Ben sitting around in the chairs by the creeper pad in his red and black biker jacket waiting to be manifested and stop and have a chat. He loved that bike of his.

I found out yesterday that he should have stuck to skydiving. He had a collision with a tree on his bike last week. He didn't survive. I didn't know him that well, but I did know him and probably more than most at the DZ. It feels really strange to think that one Sunday I won't see him sitting there waiting to be manifested in his jacket. I feel for his family and friends, they've lost a really genuinely nice, quiet, polite young man.

I'd like you all to charge your glasses and think on things a while as I propose a toast...

To absent friends!