
nothing because it has to be connected to my computer to work, grrr

prawn cocktail crisps

pilchards on toast (you can get pilchards there but they just don't taste the same)

decent tv

jaffa cakes

Greggs pasties

proper beer (as in Black Sheep, or Timothy Taylor's Landlord, or Cwrw Haf, the list goes on...)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm smitten...

And still grinning :D

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh boy

I was just about on the edge of giving up on my Toy Boy, I'd waited with bated (baited?) breath* for an email (giving allowances for the reason he went home in the first place of course, I'm not that nasty) for 3 weeks. Even just a one liner saying he'd got home ok would have been nice. Surely, no one who was that insistent that I knew their email address and that I write to them would just never contact me again, would they?

But, having had experience of men leaving me in the lurch before, I admit I was giving in to that persistent phrase 'forget him, he obviously just wasn't that into you' along with 'he's 20, forget him'.

Anyway, time was passing and tumbleweed was blowing down the streets of Bowen (happens quite a lot round here) and I wasn't even expecting to receive an email anymore when I logged on yesterday so was completely bowled over to see his name at the top of my inbox. Not only that but the first thing he did was apologise for leaving it so long!

So today the grin is back. I'm still not sure what's going on with us but I figure that that'll sort itself out over time and so I'm not going to stress about it, I'm just glad that he wants to talk to me :)

What I really want to know though, is how do men do it? With just a few words and a couple of (well, ok, quite a few) kisses at the end of an email and I'm over the moon again. Is it just me? Or are others just as hopeless?

*tricky at the best of times

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Sorry about the lack of posts at the moment, I rarely get home from work in time to get to the email in the office*. I am alive here, pretty much stressed out and alternately hating and liking work (as long as I don't see the farm owner, life goes by pretty easily)

I'm now being thrown out of the office so have to go but I thought I would reassure you all (or scare you) that I am still alive and still in Bowen and still working with tomatoes. I have not however heard from my Toy Boy in over 2 weeks. Am a little miffed.

*add to that the complete lack of interesting things to write about tomatoes and you've pretty much got my silence sussed

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hot toddies rule

I've been trying to battle things out with Flickr again and have discovered that it's only photos taken before I arrived in Bowen that it doesn't want to upload. All others upload fine (albeit one by one) but for some reason it's really taken against ones taken in Sydney and Brisbane which is a complete pain in the arse.

I'm now going to go and collapse on the sofa and watch Mrs Henderson Presents, or The Princess Bride, I havn't decided yet.

And Rachie, if you're reading this, my friend very kindly picked me up some lemon, ginger and honey yesterday so I had a hot toddy (toddie?) before bed last night. Whisky is definitely the cure for what ails you :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

I told them I was ill...

I finally managed to get my supervisor to agree to giving me a day off. Mind you, I didn't give them much choice

Me 'Can I have a day off please?'

Supervisor 'No, you had one a week and a half ago'

Me 'I need a day off. I'm ill. If you don't give me one I'll take one anyway to go to the doctors'

Supervisor 'You're not having a day off'

An hour later...

Supervisor walks in 'You can have the day off'

Me 'Why, thank you'

Anyway, as it turns out, I've got infected tonsils and sinuses which would account pretty much for the me feeling shit and completely lacking in energy and having headaches for the last week although it was the 'I'm surviving on chocolate and painkillers' line that actually swayed them I think. That and sitting in my office sobbing several times a day because I just couldn't cope right then.

Anyhoo, on a better note, I've managed to get some more pictures up onto Flickr, it let me upload them, one by one, until about the 6th one when it decided enough was enough and started playing up again. I'm perseverence personified however and will get those other photos up there one day, I promise! For now, I thought I'd give you a little viewing of some of my friends (my Toy Boy is the one on the right :D )


Monday, September 11, 2006

I wish I was an ostrich...

...so I could bury my head in the sand.

The last few days have been awful. Work has been busy and everyone has something to complain about, I don't have any extra staff so if I move one person to help somewhere then within seconds where they were is really busy and they're complaining. Everyone wants something and I can't give them anything.

I'm sitting in the office at the hostel and one guy is talking to the hostel owner and he's just repeating the same stuff over and over again, she's frustrated, he's being difficult and I just want to hide.

I feel ill, my nose hurts, my throat's sore, my eyes feel like red hot marbles and I'm relying on chocolate fixes during the day to stop from falling over.

I'm going to drag myself to the supermarket now. Urgh.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Friends like these

When I made the decision to come up here to Bowen, I did so with the knowledge in mind that I knew at least one person up here. I met her down in Victoria and worked with her for a while and was actually quite looking forward to seeing her again.

As it turned out, the second day I was here I got sent to work in the same tomato shed that she works in - yay! It's nice to see her again and we chat and get on like we used to.

Then I moved to the other shed that the farm owns, promoted above another friend of ours (or, as it turned out, hers). I didn't ask for the job, I wasn't pushing for it, I got it because I was more reliable at work than the other girl. I don't have constant time off for doctors appointments or just take days off without telling them (in fact, I rarely have days off at all!). She now accepts this. My friend doesn't.

I've seen her once in the last couple of weeks and got completely cold shouldered. When I talked with my supervisor yesterday I found out that she had been bitching about me even before I started working there and when I did get a job there she told my supervisor that I was unreliable, had a drinking problem and would probably leave without a word of warning. She also told them about the CTG though probably not in the best light for me.

I'm just glad that my supervisor decided to give me a go and let my actions speak for myself rather than listen to her.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lack of photos

I was going to upload some pictures but flickr's being a pain, so I can't. Grrr

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The country is in mourning. It's really strange, the last couple of days everyone just keeps wondering round in shock murmering things along the lines of 'I can't believe that Steve's dead'. If you had been hiding in the bush alone for years you would be forgiven for thinking that a close family member had died.

He was such a huge personality that it seems impossible to think of him as gone, it was the same when John Peel died.

One phrase that keeps cropping up is 'well, it's the way he would have wanted to go'. Personally I think he might have preferred to be in bed at a grand old age surrounded by grandchildren and pet crocodiles but I suppose it was rather fitting if it had to be now.

RIP Steve Irwin, you will be missed.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Damn and blast

I managed to get a day off! I fought tooth and nail for it, pleaded down on my knees and generally begged my boss until he gave in and let me have Saturday off (and only then because eventually he said 'Is it a boy or a girl thing?' 'Boy.' 'Oh, alright, you'll be useless if I don't let you' Damn straight.

So, off my Toy Boy and I trot with 7 other friends down to Airlie Beach for Friday night to escape from Bowen. We had a double room all to ourselves, absolute bliss! No inconsiderate Germans thumping around the room turning the lights back on and leaving the door open and shouting whilst other people i.e. us, are trying to sleep (and yes, we were just trying to sleep at the time thank you very much).

A fantastic night was had for the most part although I gave in about 1.30am which didn't impress him too much. It's my old age I suppose!

Anyway, since then it's all gone a bit pear-shaped. The Toy Boy's grandmother is ill. Very ill. He'd decided to leave this weekend and go home and then last night he got a message from his mother asking him to come home as quickly as possible so he's leaving tonight.

And he's not coming back.

Not to me anyway, he'll be back in Australia at some point but doesn't know when and it won't be to Bowen.

I'm being completely selfish because I just don't want him to go. This place will not be the same without him here.